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Notice To Vacate For Failure To Pay Rent



[Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [First Name of receipient] [Last Name of receipient]
[Title of receipient]
[Company of receipient]
[Address of receipient]
[City of receipient], [State of recipient] [Zip Code of receipient]

Dear [Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [Last Name of recipient]:

Under a lease dated [Date of lease], you are the tenant and occupant of premises located at [Description of premises].

In the above-mentioned lease, you agreed to make monthly rental payments in the amount of $ [Amount of payments] dollars. You are now behind in your rental payments in the amount of $ [Amount behind in payments] dollars and have failed and refused to pay your rent since [Date last paid], in accordance with the terms of the above-mentioned lease.

Accordingly, within [Grace period in days] days after you receive this notice, you are required to pay the above sum or surrender possession of the premises in a broom-clean condition to the Landlord. Should you not comply, the Landlord will commence eviction proceedings under the applicable statute to recover possession of the premises.


BY: [Name of Landlord]

Landlord Signature